4 Things You Must Know About Your Details

MARCH 18, 2019
Be sure to read all your Central Casting details.

Getting booked is exciting, whether it's your first or hundredth time working as a Background Actor. From scrolling through the Jobs page to taking the perfect selfie, it can be a lot of work to find a role you fit. Just remember, getting booked is when the real work begins. Here's a refresher on what you need to know about your Central Casting details so you can impress on set.

1. What are details?

Your details are all the information you need for your booking. They not only include your call time, location, and wardrobe information, but important set guidelines and show notes. It's extremely important to read all of your details every time you're booked. Being a successful Background Actor means being thorough and professional. You wouldn't want to be the only one to show up to set in the wrong wardrobe because you didn't read your details carefully.

2. How do I get my details?

When you're booked by a Casting Director, they will tell you how to get your details, which can come in the form of a Details Blog or as a message through our casting platform. To access the Details Blog, just click the My Details button in our website menu, then enter the show name (which may be different from the name of the project you're working on) and the 4-digit passcode given to you by the Casting Director.

When you get your details, be sure to respond so that the Casting Director knows you received them.

You will also be given instructions on how to check for call time changes. Be sure to check for any changes before arriving to set.

3. How do I read my details?

Once you enter the show name and 4-digit passcode, you'll be taken to your Details Blog. Again, it's important that you read the entire page and check back before you leave for set to ensure you have all the information you need for the shoot. Individual Details Blogs may differ slightly based on the needs of production, but these are the general sections and what you need to look for.

Project name and date

The top of your Details Blog will include the name of the project you're working on and the filming date. Double check to make sure these match the information the Casting Director gave you.

Standards of conduct and behavior

When you're booked, Central Casting is hiring you to do a job. Being professional and prepared on set not only reflects well on you, but the Casting Director who booked you. Our Casting Directors take pride in the work that they do and you should too, after all you're an important part of production! The standards of conduct and behavior section of your details has important reminders about what's expected of you on set and may also contain important documents related to your employment.

Show, category, and wardrobe notes

A large part of being a Background Actor is bringing your own wardrobe to set. Sometimes the notes from production will be extremely detailed and other times there will be more room for you to inject your personal style. Casting Directors use the show notes section to give details relevant to everyone, like the time of year the scene takes place, whether it's interior or exterior, and general style notes that should be reflected in all outfits. The category types/wardrobe notes section will have more specific information based on your role.

Just like with your call time, these details may be updated throughout the night, so it's important to re-read them before you head to set.

Changes and updates

The changes and updates section will contain important updates from the Casting Director. All your call time changes will be sent to you through our casting platform.

Call location

Productions are on a tight schedule and expect Background Actors to show up to the correct location on time. In addition to the call location and address, your Details Blog will include any additional information you need to make it to set, like what signs to look for and where to park. Studio lots can be confusing and even with the best map it's easy to get lost in them. When you leave for set, it's a good idea to factor in getting lost, traffic, and public transportation schedules to make sure you make it to check-in on time.

Additional info

Our offices are available 24/7. The additional info section has the emergency line numbers you need to contact your office regarding your booking. You should write this number down or save it in your phone so it's easily accessible if you need to contact us.

4. What's next?

Once you've read through your Central Casting details, you're ready to get your wardrobe together and prepare for set. Being a Background Actor provides a lot of fun opportunities, like being part of your favorite movies and TV shows. Whether you've been booked for the first time or have worked as background for years, you can have a great day on set by learning these key production terms and knowing the crew members you may work with.

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By Meghan Dubitsky

Article Category:

Best You
