5 Things to Think About Before Submitting for Work

APRIL 17, 2023
Woman submitting for work on a tablet.

Want to work on movies and TV shows as a Central Casting Background Actor? The two main ways to get booked are by responding to messages from Casting Directors and proactively submitting for work on our Jobs page. Here are five things to think about before submitting for work that will help you get booked and on set.

1. Do I fit the description?

Posts on the Jobs page will include necessary information about the role, like portrayable age range, portrayable ethnicity, sizes, union status, etc. Just like when replying to casting messages, it's important to read these posts carefully to make sure you fit all of the requirements before submitting.

For example, if a post is seeking someone who can portray an African American woman between the ages of 25-30 and is no taller than 5'5", you must meet all those requirements to submit. If you fit the description, but you are 6'2", you should not submit.

Please be honest about your appearance details when looking for work. Submitting for roles you don't fit doesn't help you or the Casting Director.

2. Am I available?

We know you're eager to get booked, but be sure you're available for all work dates listed in the post before submitting for the role. Keep in mind that Casting Directors often don't get call times until the evening before the work date (though they will list in the post if it's a night call or overnight shoot), which is why you should be available without time restrictions. Without time restrictions means that there are no possible conflicts that would prevent you from working that day.

Whether you're submitting for work or responding to an availability inquiry, please be honest about your availability. If your availability changes, especially if you are on first avail, call your Central Casting office to let us know.

3. Have I included all the information requested?

It's likely you will be asked to send a recent selfie or to make sure you have an accurate photo in the Current Look: front slot of your online profile, but Casting Directors may also have you include a Stand-In resume or other materials when you submit for a role. In some cases, they may ask about experience you have, if you have the correct wardrobe, or to attach photos of your car. Double check that you've included all the information Casting Directors have requested as they may not be able to consider you for the role without it.

4. Is my online profile updated?

Your online profile is one of your best tools to get booked by Central Casting. While Casting Directors may ask you to email photos or additional details as part of your submission, it's still essential that your profile has this correct information, especially your accurate sizes and a current photo. These details may need to be sent to production, like when wardrobe is provided and when casting doubles. The more thorough you are when updating your profile, the easier it is for Casting Directors to determine the types of roles you can portray.

5. Do I know what to do if I get booked?

Whether it's your first time being cast as a Background Actor or if you're a seasoned pro, getting the chance to work on set is exciting. Everything you need to know for your booking will be included in your details, which will be sent as a details message from our casting platform and may include a link to a Details Blog or additional resource. Remember, Casting Directors get this information as it comes in from multiple departments within production, it is likely you will not receive your details until later in the evening the night before you work.

Now that you're ready to submit for work, learn more about the messaging process and how to prepare for your day on set.

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By Meghan Dubitsky

Article Category:

Best You
