*Use of persons’ photos does not imply endorsement of Central Casting.
Adult Talent Onboarding/Registration
Becoming a Background Actor with Central Casting is free and easy! Complete the Talent Onboarding steps so you can get booked on movies and TV shows.
Online Onboarding Steps

Create login information
Click the button below to begin the online onboarding process. Create your login information by clicking the “create new login” option.
Fill out application
Casting Directors use this information when casting their roles, the more accurate and thorough you are, the easier it is for them to determine the types of roles you can portray.

Upload photos
Take a headshot and full body shot that fit within Central Casting’s Photo Guidelines. These will be the main photos in your online profile.
E-sign forms
All forms must be completed before you can proceed to the next step.

Wait for approval
Watch your email for further instructions. In the meantime, check out our Starter Guide to Background Work to learn more about working with Central Casting.

Reviews Photos
You will receive an email when your photos are approved or if you need to resubmit.

Complete the Form I-9
Follow the instructions in your onboarding hub to complete the Form I-9.
Access your onboarding hub by clicking the “onboarding hub” link after logging in to your online profile. This option will appear after you have completed forms and your photos have been approved.

Complete required Anti-Harassment Training
Follow directions in your email to complete required anti-harassment training.

Create login information
Click the button below to begin the online onboarding process. Create your login information by clicking the “create new login” option.
Fill out application
Casting Directors use this information when casting their roles, the more accurate and thorough you are, the easier it is for them to determine the types of roles you can portray.

Upload photos
Take a headshot and full body shot that fit within Central Casting’s Photo Guidelines. These will be the main photos in your online profile.

E-sign forms
All forms must be completed before you can proceed to the next step.

Wait for approval
Watch your email for further instructions. In the meantime, check out our Starter Guide to Background Work to learn more about working with Central Casting.

Reviews Photos
You will receive an email when your photos are approved or if you need to resubmit.

Complete the Form I-9
Follow the instructions in your onboarding hub to complete the Form I-9.
Access your onboarding hub by clicking the “onboarding hub” link after logging in to your online profile. This option will appear after you have completed forms and your photos have been approved.

Complete required
Anti-Harassment Training
Follow directions in your email to complete required anti-harassment training.
Talent Onboarding FAQs
What is a Background Actor?
A Background Actor is someone who performs in a show in a nonspeaking role, usually in the background. Central Casting is your go-to resource for background casting opportunities. Every day, our Casting Directors cast hundreds of Background Actors to work on popular movies and TV shows.
Do I need to complete Talent Onboarding before I can work?
Yes, you must complete the application, photo, forms, and Form I-9 portions of Talent Onboarding before we can consider you for background work. Remember, the more thorough and accurate you are when filling out your application, the easier it is for Casting Directors to determine the types of roles you can portray.
I am unable to create a login, what do I do?
If you are unable to create a new login, it’s likely your email address is already connected to an online profile. To access your profile, select the “forgot password” option, enter your email, then follow the instructions provided.
What if I don’t know my measurements?
Your measurements are a key part of your casting profile and are used by Casting Directors to determine the types of roles you can portray. This information must be populated in your online profile before attending your reserved Talent Onboarding session. Visit our Measurements page for easy-to-follow tutorial videos on taking accurate measurements.
What should I wear in my photos?
While we understand that personal expression and artistic expression are important, we encourage you to infuse your personal style while dressing in a professional manner that you would like to be seen by Casting Directors, Production Staff, and other Industry Professionals. Please wear clothes that cover your torso and chest in your headshot and full body shot. Additional photos, including bathing suit images, can be uploaded to your profile once you are onboarded.
Why were my profile photos rejected?
The photos in your profile are used by Casting Directors to determine the types of roles you can portray and may be sent to production, so they must meet Central Casting’s photo guidelines. You will not be able to move on to the next step of onboarding until a member of our staff approves your photos.
If your photos are rejected, you will be given a reason(s). Retake your photo to fix the issue, then resubmit.
Why am I unable to move on to the next onboarding step?
Certain portions of the Talent Onboarding process must be completed before you can move on to the next step. Your Onboarding Hub will alert you to areas you must still complete and areas that are in review with Central Casting.
What if I don’t have the necessary required documentation?
Those without required documentation (unexpired originals only, no photocopies) to accompany the I-9 form will be unable to onboard.
I’m not a resident of the United States. Can I sign up with Central Casting?
In accordance with federal law, Central Casting is only able to hire those who are authorized to work in the United States.
What if I’m a member of SAG-AFTRA?
Please have your current SAG-AFTRA card/receipt issued by SAG-AFTRA for verification.
Why did I receive an email from EMP Trust to complete my Form I-9 online?
In some cases, Central Casting may send you an invitation to complete the Form I-9 process online via our vendor EMP Trust. If invited, you will receive an email from notifications@emptrust.com and from Central Casting with additional instructions.
What is a Central I-9 Rep?
A Central I-9 Rep is a person of your choosing who is a legal adult and who can be physically present with you to complete Section 2 and review the documents you select to accompany the Form I-9.
Is the Central I-9 Rep someone from Central Casting?
No, the Central I-9 Rep is a person of your choosing who is a legal adult and who can be physically present with you to complete Section 2 and review the documents you select to accompany the Form I-9.
What if I can’t find a Central I-9 Rep?
A Central I-9 Rep is required to complete the Form I-9 online. A Central I-9 Rep is a legal adult of your choosing who can be physically present with you to complete Section 2 of the Form I-9. If you do not have someone to function as a Central I-9 Rep, you can make a new reservation to attend an in-person Form I-9 session by clicking the “onboarding hub” link after logging in to your online profile.
Does the Central I-9 Rep have to review the documents in person?
Yes, Section 2 of the Form I-9 requires the Central I-9 Rep to review employment eligibility documents in person to confirm the employee candidate’s identity and authorization to work in the United States.
What if I am onboarding a minor?
If onboarding a minor who needs help filling out the Form I-9, a parent or legal guardian may assist the minor to complete Section 1. The person who assisted the minor must also complete the preparer/translator section of the Form I-9.
The parent or legal guardian who is assisting the minor to complete Section 1 of the I-9 may function both as the preparer/translator and the Central I-9 Rep for Section 2 at the same time.
Why do I need to take a photo with the employee candidate’s work authorization documents?
This photo is necessary to confirm you review the employee candidate’s documents in person, that the documents are originals and not photocopies, and that the Central I-9 Rep is a different person than the employee candidate.
I am having technical difficulties with the EMP Trust application. How can I get help?
You can contact EMP Trust by following the instructions in your initial Form I-9 invitation message from EMP Trust.
I finished the Form I-9 process, when will I be eligible to work?
After completing E-Verify, Central Casting will review your entire profile before finalizing your onboarding. If you are a member of SAG-AFTRA, please include your SAG-AFTRA number in your profile so we can verify your membership.
Do I need to live in Los Angeles to sign up?
No, but you need to be able to work in the Los Angeles area.
Once I’m registered, how do I get work?
Please visit our Talent page to learn more about responding to availability inquiries, submitting for work, and everything you need to know about working with Central Casting.
Is my data secure?
Yes. Central Casting and Entertainment Partners, care very much about the security of your data. Please learn more by visiting EP’s website.
Registering with Central Casting is a privilege, not a right. We respectfully reserve the right to refuse registration to anyone.
Central Casting is a participant in the E-Verify program. We will provide the Social Security Administration (SSA) and, if necessary, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with information from each new employee’s I-9 form to confirm employment authorization. Note: If the government cannot confirm that you are authorized to work, we are required to provide you with written instructions and an opportunity to contact the SSA and/or DHS before taking adverse action against you, including terminating your employment.
Forms and Policies
Forms and policies are for informational purposes only.
DO NOT print to bring to Talent Onboarding.