3 Things to Know About Getting Cast

Whether you have been on set before or are trying to land your first job, you're probably wondering how to increase your chances of getting booked by Central Casting. Here are some tips on how to get cast as a Background Actor.
1. Know the different ways to get booked
There are many ways to find work with Central Casting, including submitting through the Jobs page of our website and replying to availability inquiries sent by Casting Directors.
When scrolling through the Jobs page, it's extremely important to read the entire post to determine if you can portray a role before deciding to submit. Casting Directors are often looking for very specific looks, which is why they put detailed information like portrayable age, portrayable ethnicity, SAG-AFTRA status, and sizes into their job posts. If you don't read the entire post, you may end up submitting for something you don't fit. If you're new to Central Casting or haven't submitted in a while, read through our job post guide to learn more about casting terms and what to look for in a post.
You may also receive availability inquiries and other messages from Casting Directors checking if you're available and interested in working on their show. You can receive multiple avail checks a day or avail checks for multiple days on the same project; we recommend checking the My Schedule page of your online profile and keeping track of days you're booked in a personal calendar to avoid double booking yourself. Casting Directors use the information in your online profile when casting their projects, so the more accurate information you include, the more likely you are to show up in searches for roles you fit.
2. Learn to submit and respond like a pro
Found a role on our Jobs page you think you can portray? The next step is to submit according to the instructions given, which usually includes sending an email to the address listed. Be sure to attach any additional materials requested, like a current photo or Stand-In resume, before submitting. These materials are needed to determine if you fit the requirements, Casting Directors cannot consider you without them.
Before replying to a message from Central Casting, read the entire message fully and carefully. You may be asked to answer a question within the message or submit additional information, like adding a specific photo to your online profile. Please respond to all messages you receive, even if you are unable to right away. This lets our casting staff know if you are interested or if they need to search for other Background Actors. For more information on the different messages you may receive from Central Casting, read our article Avail Messages: What You Need to Know.
3. Getting cast and going to set
When you get cast, all the information you need for your booking will be in your details, which can come in the form of a Details Blog, details message, or other communication. Keep in mind, Casting Directors get work information as it comes in from multiple departments within production and may not have your booking details until later in the evening before your workday. Always respond to your details message so your Casting Director knows you received it.
Being on time is one of the best ways to show you're a professional Background Actor. Call times often change; be sure to check for any changes before arriving to set.
Learning how to get cast as a Background Actor is just the beginning. Find out how to make the most of your time on set and the production crew members you should know.