How to Categorize Your Profile Photos

Central Casting uses the photos you upload to your online profile to determine the types of roles you can portray. You can stand out to Casting Directors by keeping your profile updated with quality current looks, vehicle, and pet photos that are properly categorized.
How many photos should I have in my profile?
Before we jump into categories, let's go over the basics. First, when choosing photos for your profile, quality over quantity is key. In fact, having too many photos in your online profile only makes it harder for our casting staff to find the photos they need to cast their shows.
You should always have a photo in your profile that reflects your current appearance. Casting Directors also recommend a casual, business, and formal look, then 1-2 unique looks, like a uniform you own or a period role you can portray. When adding photos, you only need to upload one of each look, not multiple in similar wardrobe. For example, you may have three business suits in different colors, but you only need to upload one to show Casting Directors you can pull off a business look.
The second thing to keep in mind, is that your photos should be only of you, taken in good lighting against a white or gray background, and be unedited and unaltered. Professional headshots cannot be used to consider you for background work as they are often retouched, edited, and do not always reflect your current appearance. Instead, have a friend or family member snap a few photos for your Central Casting online profile. They can help you make sure you're well lit, in focus, and framed correctly.
How do I choose photo categories?
After uploading a photo, you must choose a slot (category) for your picture. Please do not upload a photo for every category, the multiple options are there so you can choose which slot best describes your photo.
By design, the Face and Body categories are the photos you took during Talent Onboarding and cannot be changed or deleted. That's why it's extremely important to always have a photo that reflects your current appearance in the Current look: front slot. This is the photo our Casting Directors look for when considering you for roles. We recommend updating this photo any time your look changes. This helps give our Casting Directors confidence they are booking you based off how you look right now.
If you want to show off your formal, business, or unique/distinct looks, choose the wardrobe category that best fits your photo. Again, the variety of slots are there to give you options for how to categorize your photos and are not intended to all be filled.
Any additional photos you upload should reflect your current look. Did you have long blonde hair that you recently cut into a brown bob? Your Current look: front and any additional photos should show you in the new brown bob. This helps alleviate confusion when your photos are seen by production and helps Casting Directors trust you will show up to set as expected. When you upload these new photos, don't forget to delete the ones that no longer reflect your current look.
Can I add photos of vehicles and pets?
Central Casting books Background Actors with their vehicles and pets; adding these photos helps Casting Directors when booking these types of roles. Photos should be of your actual vehicle, not dealership or advertisement photos, and be taken at an angle where the front and side of your car are clearly visible. Make sure to also fill out the Vehicles section of your online profile with make, model, color, year, and condition information.
When uploading pet photos, be sure the pet is yours and that the picture clearly shows what they look like.
For more information on what we look for in Central Casting profile photos, check out or articles The Ultimate Photo Guide for Your Online Profile and 5 Things to Consider When Adding Additional Photos.