Changes to the W-4 You Should Know

JANUARY 6, 2020
W-4 form.

We know you're focused on getting to set and being a successful Background Actor, but it's important to stay up to date with the administrative side of your employment. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has introduced an updated W-4 form for 2020 that may affect you.

Remember, for most projects, Central Casting is responsible for processing your paycheck. You'll know you're paid by us if your voucher says Central Casting and/or Entertainment Partners. Occasionally, you will be cast by Central Casting, but will be paid by another payroll company. In these cases, you will need to direct any payroll related questions to that company.

New 2020 W-4

The new W-4 form, specifically the Employee's Withholding Certificate, contains differences from previous versions. According to the IRS, the updated W-4 reflects changes from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that went into effect in 2018.

If you have not registered with Central Casting yet, you will complete a W-4 during the Talent Onboarding process. If you have already registered, you do not need to fill out the new W-4, but have the option to. If you do choose to complete the new version of the form, you will also be required to fill out a state tax form.

In the past, Background Actors were able to make changes to their W-4 on their vouchers when they worked on set. With the introduction of this new form, that is no longer an option. If you would like to make changes to your W-4, you can contact payroll.

You can find more information on the 2020 W-4 in the Frequently Asked Questions on the IRS website.

Other payroll information

The beginning of the year is a great time to make sure your profile is up to date. If you moved, have a new phone number, or changed your look come to an Updates session to update that information and take a new picture.

Remember, Central Casting and payroll store information separately, so if you change your contact information with casting you will also need to update it with payroll by signing up or logging in to myEP.

For more on the payroll process read through our Payroll FAQs.

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By Meghan Dubitsky

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